Articles/Essays – Volume 02, No. 3

Convictus or The Navigator’s Confession

“I am the captain of my soul.” 


Well sir, I have with trickery and wicked surety
set irremediable courses, have by long 
habit fixed as my sole owner myself, 
have practically eradicated from 
consideration all suggestions offered 
freely by others solely for my soul’s 
benefit: to wit—I acknowledge 
only the God-set gyro of my heart 
that navigates past shallows, sargassos, and sirens
toward an unnamed but absolute harbor
which I alone recognize; but I shall 
set me down there a secret anchor where
within the blue deep and green fathom of
my mind (while awaiting calm, riding out
invisible storms) I shall name me a name
for my secret place—shall I call it hope?
Well sir, I call it hope, sir, and be damned!