
Toward a Post-Heterosexual Mormon Theology

December 8, 2011

by Taylor Petrey, in Vol. 44 No. 4, Winter 2011
The issue of homosexual relationships is among the most public struggles facing religious groups in America today. The issue is not as simple as gay people versus religious groups, as rhetoric on either side often suggests, but it has become increasingly apparent that there is significant overlap of people that identify both as homosexual and religious. Mormon writing on homosexuality often has had a pastoral character, aimed either at easing the transition for those seeking to leave the church or smoothing the way for those who desire to remain with in it. Those who have thought to advocate change with the LDS church and culture have focused primarily on “attitudes” toward homosexuality encouraging “understanding and tolerance for homosexual people.” Too often this discussion of homosexuality has focused on either its etiology, or its relationship to the will, though neither the appeal to nature or nurture resolves the question of ethics and meaning.

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