Samuel Brown says that in "Mormonism's Abandoned Race Policy: Context Matters"
August 30, 2012
In a blog post for the Huffington Post, Samuel Brown offers up three points that he explains often, and most recently by John G. Turner in a New York Times piece “are commonly misunderstood.” Brown explains
“First, some Mormons are racist.
Second, some Mormons are not racist.
Third, whether Mormon church leaders should issue an institutional apology for the prior policy of racial exclusion is about more than just racism.”
Click in for a fuller examination of these points to which Brown concludes “For outside observers, then, I would offer the following advice: First, recognize that whether Mormon leaders formally apologize for historic racial exclusion or not is about more than race and racism. Second, workable solutions for Mormons loyal to their church and repulsed by racism will take time and special attention to the particularities of Mormon life and religion.”