Articles/Essays – Volume 57, No. 1

Volume Art

CHARLOTTE CONDIE’s {[email protected]} work focuses on life and love against the backdrop of Latter-Day Saint community and culture, its triumphs, and its challenges. My personal wrestle with the Divine and life with scrupulosity informs my spiritual lens and creative expression. My art explores the Divine, the personal, the community, and the interplay and communion of all three. Finding God in the intimate and the communal is both my spiritual and creative practice.

RACHEL STALLINGS THOMANDER is a Colombian American multidisciplinary artist. She lives and works in Santa Cruz, California, with her husband and two sons. She works in painting, photography, and sculpture. Her work aims to activate multigenerational connection through objects that invoke play and dialogue. She received a BFA in studio art from Brigham Young University and an MFA in art practice from UC Berkeley. She was an artist in residence at Facebook and the Elizabeth Murray Residency. @rachelthomander

Click here for the Artwork page featuring the Spring 2024 art.