Melvin T. Smith

MELVIN T. SMITH is the director of the Utah State Historical Society. This paper was originally presented at the Mormon History Association annual meeting, Omaha, May 1982.


Faithful History/Secular Faith

I readily admit that the topic of “faithful history” may gain more by praying for the demise of the debate than by trying to provide life-extending arguments or by seeking to resurrect it. However, I…

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Views of Brigham | Leonard J. Arrington, Brigham Young: American Moses, and Newell G. Bringhurst, Brigham Young and the Expanding American Frontier

Brigham Young: American Moses makes several important contributions. First, it relies on and quotes extensively from primary sources. Readers will glean a number of new insights. Particularly helpful is Arrington’s chapter on Brigham’s youthful life…

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A Classic Reprinted: West from Fort Bridger: The Pioneering of Immigrant Trails across Utah, 1846-1850

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