Wilfried Decoo

WILFRIED DECOO {[email protected]} worked as pro￾fessor of applied linguistics and education at the University of Antwerp (Belgium) and at Brigham Young University. He retired in 2011. Besides books on linguistics, academic ethics, and educa￾tion, he has also published various articles on international as￾pects of the Mormon Church. He blogs at Times and Seasons.


Feeding the Fleeing Flock

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Review: Craig H. Harline Conversions: Two family stories from the Reformation and Modern America

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“As Our Two Faiths Have Worked Together”—Catholicism and Mormonism on Human Life Ethics and Same-Sex Marriage

Dialogue 46.3 (Fall 2013): 106–141

Wilfred Decoo writes in 2013 ““As Our Two Faiths Have Worked Together”— Catholicism and Mormonism on Human Life Ethics and Same-Sex Marriage.” He expains, “I analyze a number of factors that could ease the way for the Mormon Church to withdraw its opposition to same-sex marriage, at least as it concerns civil society, while the Catholic Church is unlikely to budge.”

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