Perspectives on the "Mormon Moment"
February 27, 2013
“This particular moment reveals something new in that …the questions American observers are asking from the outside are more similar to the ones Mormons are confronting on the inside.” – Kristine Haglund
The 2008 and 2012 presidential campaigns of Mitt Romney was accompanied by unprecedented attention to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Dubbed by Newsweek Magazine as the ‘Mormon Moment,’ The Book of Mormon Musical, California’s Proposition 8, and the elevated profile of prominent Latter-day Saints provided a unique opportunity to observe the successes and challenges of this dynamic religious tradition. The lecture and panel featured scholars addressing issues related to the rise of Mormonism and the forces that have shaped its development as a distinctive Christian faith.
Kristine Haglund, Editor, Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought
Russell Arben Fox, Dialogue Reviews Editor and associate professor of political science, Friends University
Matthew Holland, UVU President
James Faulconer, Richard L. Evans Professor of Religious Understanding, Brigham Young University
Peggy Fletcher-Stack, religion reporter, Salt Lake Tribune
Brian Birch (moderator), director, Religious Studies Program, Utah Valley University