Traveling the Interstate after My Little Brother’s Funeral
February 3, 2025We slow.
What is this? Why?
We ride along, our eyes,
Under an Illness of the Moon
February 3, 2025No words make a difference
against the child’s cries and damp heat—
only the rocking, rocking,
Night Lines
February 3, 2025It was the high Uintas,
evening of our first day-hike
with grandchildren . . . their lives until then
seeming distant, clustered and glowing
as the far Pleiades to our gazing.
February 3, 2025On Mother’s Day it snows
in our backyard, the kind that grows
on cottonwoods and makes my nose
itch inside the nostrils, pinch half-closed
Night Prayer at Binh Doung +
February 3, 2025Confirmed in the slim night shadows,
a four-toed blue and gold dragon ridges
the tiles of the moss-glazed roof, ascends
to the slivering waxed Têt moon, an off-center
For My Husband, Who Doesn’t Worry
February 3, 2025While you sleep with abandon, I quiverbeside you, what ifs crawling my skin.You, warm beside me: liquidstillness. You toil not, neither do you spin. I wishI could ladle you over me, rub youinto the creases…
“Cheap Social Issue Novel Bullshit” versus the Power of the Personal Story | Karin Anderson, What Falls Away
February 3, 2025“That’s just cheap social issue novel bullshit. . . . [It] makes people like us hope for a smaller, neater world where stories make sense and converge” (228). This is protagonist Cassandra Soelberg’s response when confronted by…
Finally! A Scholarly Biography of Joseph F. Smith | Stephen C. Taysom, Like a Fiery Meteor:The Life of Joseph F. Smith
February 3, 2025In the summer of 2009, as a master’s student, I sat in one of the Neal A. Maxwell Institute’s summer seminars when the topic turned to the absence of a biography on Joseph F. Smith.…
Peacebuilding through Latter-day Nonviolence | Patrick Mason and J. David Pulsipher, Proclaim Peace: The Restoration’s Answer to an Age of Conflict
February 3, 2025If the strength of a religious community is determined by how vigorously its leaders, scholars, and members can renegotiate the historical and common interpretations of its sacred texts while maintaining community cohesion, then the (re)scripturalization…