Articles/Essays – Volume 06, No. 2

A Letter from the East

Who would want to write an article on the single woman? It would be like being branded with a scarlet “S”! Our Church places a great emphasis on marriage and homelife. In terms of an ideal of personal happiness, doctrinal adherence, and societal cohesiveness, this viewpoint has its advantages. However, there are other parts of the equation which merit thoughtful evaluation: what kind of person are you? Why are you doing what-ever-it-is you are doing? I have seen many unhappy, frustrated and dull people and enough happy, productive and interesting people to know that similar circumstances do not determine similar results. There are so many challenges to living in today’s world that we must put our feet firmly in the present and not over reference ourselves to the past or the hereafter! We must strengthen our intellectual analysis, our spiritual guidance, and get to the actual doing—and find a measure of peace in all of this.