Articles/Essays – Volume 04, No. 1

Among the Mormons: A Survey of Current Literature

Write on your doors the saying wise and old, ‘Be bold! Be bold!” and everywhere, “Be bold; be not too bold!” Yet better the excess than the defect; better more than less . . . . 

Longfellow, Morituri Salutamus 

Having entered our fourth year of publication, it seems appropriate to rehearse for our new readers the purpose behind “Among the Mormons.” In our first issue, the editors of Dialogue wrote, “Many of our subscribers have asked to have a bibliographical column included as a regular feature” of the journal. Thus, it was agreed that in three of the four issues of each year there would be a bibliographical essay on three different types of literature. The Spring issue was assigned books, pamphlets, records, and photo-repro ductions published during the past year. The Summer issue covers dissertations, and the Winter issue, journal articles. The criterion for inclusion—merely that the material relates to Mormonism in some manner. Generally speaking, books by Bookcraft and Deseret Book and articles in Mormon journals such as the Improvement Era and the Church News were not included under the assumption that our readers would be aware of these materials. It is now our feeling that this is not necessarily the case, and in the future our umbrella will cover this area to a greater extent. We gratefully acknowledge our debt to the bibliography Mormon Americana, edited by the eminent Utah librarian Chad Flake, for most of the citations used in “Among the Mormons.” 

In each Autumn issue, “Among the Mormons” is devoted to an essay of bibliographical interest, such as the brief report by Robert Rees which follows the bibliography in this issue. Generally, these essays have included descriptions of Mormon collections at various institutions, or similar works designed to guide the scholar seeking sources for Mormon studies. As has been noted before, contributions to all aspects of “Among the Mormons” are eagerly accepted.

Selected Works of Mormon Interest

Abbey, Edward. A Season in the Wilderness. New York: McGraw Hill Book Company, 1968. $5.95. Southern Utah; comments on arches and Mormon conservation.

Anderson, Hans Verlan. Many Are Called but Few Are Chosen. Provo, Utah: Press Publishing Company, 1967.

Andrus, Hyrum L. God, Man and the Universe. Salt Lake City, Utah: Bookcraft, 1968. $5.95.

Bailey, Paul. The Armies of God. Garden City, New York: Doubleday and Company, 1968. $5.95.

Barlow, Ora Haven. The Israel Barlow Story and Mormon Mores. Salt Lake City, Utah: the author (631 South 11th East, Salt Lake City, Utah), 1968. $10.00.

Bean, Amelia. The Fancher Train. New York: Popular Library, 1968 (© 1958). Paper $.75.

Belnap, W. Dean, and Glen C. Griffin. About Life and Love. Salt Lake City, Utah: Deseret Book, 1968. $2.95.

Bennett, Frances Grant. Glimpses of a Mormon Family. Salt Lake City, Utah: Deseret Book, 1968. $3.95.

Benson, Ezra Taft. Civil Rights, Tool of Communist Deception. Salt Lake City, Utah: Deseret Book, 1968. $.35. A condensed version of his conference talk of September 27, 1967.

Bluth, John V. Concordance to the Doctrine and Covenants. Salt Lake City, Utah: Deseret Book, 1968. $4.95. 

Bousquet, George Henri. Les Mormons. Paris, France: Presses Universitaires de France, 1967. Second edition mise a jour. 

Bowles, Carey C. A Mormon Negro Views the Church. Maplewood, New Jersey: the author (41 Kendall Avenue, Maplewood, New Jersey 07040), 1968.

Brockway, Edith. The Golden Land. Independence, Missouri: Herald House, 1968. $3.25. Book of Mormon novel.

Brown, Waller. Last of the Great Western Train Robbers. South Brunswick, New York: A. S. Barnes, 1968. $6.95.

Budvarson, Arthur. The Book of Mormon—True or False! Concord, California: Pacific Publishing Company, 1967. $1.00.

Cheney, Thomas E., ed. Mormon Songs from the Rocky Mountains; A Compilation of Mormon Folksongs. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press, 1968. $7.00.

Christensen, Ross T., ed. Mummies, Scrolls, and the Book of Abraham. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University Publication Sales, May 1968. $1.00.

Church of Jesus Christ (Strangites). The Diamond: being the law of prophetic succession and a defense of the calling of James J. Strang as successor to Joseph Smith, and a full exposition of the law of God touching the succession of prophets holding the presidency of the true church, and the proof that this succession has been kept up. n.p., n.d. Gospel tract number 4. First published by the Church of Latter-day Saints at Voree, Wisconsin, 1848.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Comp. by Laureen R. Jaussi and Gloria D. Chaston. Register of LDS Church Records. Classified by the Library of the Genealogical Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Salt Lake City, Utah: Deseret Book, 1968. $3.95.

Church, Olive V. A Time of Rebellion. Independence, Missouri: Herald House, 1968. R.L.D.S. fiction.

Clayton, William. The Latter-day Saints’ Emigrants’ Guide. Cheyenne, Wyoming: Western History and Genealogical Department, Laramie County Library, 1968. $1.25. A reprint of the 1848 edition. 

Curtis, Dr. Lindsay R., and Dr. Wayne C. Anderson. Living, Loving and Marrying the LDS Way. Salt Lake City, Utah: Deseret Book, 1968. $4.50.

Day, Robert B. They Made Mormon History. Salt Lake City, Utah: Deseret Book, 1968. $4.95. 

Draper, Maurice L. Marriage in the Restoration: A Brief Historical-Doctrinal Review. Independence, Missouri: Herald House, 1968. $1.95. Included is a detailed discussion of RLDS and Utah Mormon doctrines concerning marriage. 

Dunn, Paul H. Meaningful Living. Salt Lake City, Utah: Bookcraft, 1968. $3.00. What Did He Mean? Salt Lake City, Utah: Bookcraft, 1968. $3.00.

Evans, Cleo H. Curtis Edwin Bolton: Pioneer Missionary. Fairfax, Virginia: the author (10904 Milburn Street, Fairfax, Virginia).

Evans, Richard L. An Open Road, Volume III, Thoughts for 100 Days. Salt Lake City, Utah: Publishers Press, 1968. $3.00.

Favorite Mormon Recipes: 
Casseroles. Salt Lake City, Utah: Deseret Book, 1967. $2.95.
Meats. Salt Lake City, Utah: Deseret Book, 1968. $2.95.
Salads. Salt Lake City, Utah: Deseret Book, 1968. $2.95.

Gollan, Antoni E. Romney behind the Image. Arlington, Virginia: Crestwood Books, 1967. $1.50.

Graser, Gordon Holmes. Is Mormonism Christian? Rev. ed. Chicago, Illinois: Moody Press, 1965.

Haddock, Edith Parker, and Dorothy Hardy Matthews. History of Bear Lake Pioneers. Bear Lake County, Utah: Daughters of Utah Pioneers, 1968.

Hancock County, Board of Supervisors. History of Hancock County, Illinois. Carthage, Illinois: Journal Printing Company, 1968. $20.00.

Hanks, Marion D., Elaine Cannon, and Doyle L. Green. How Glorious Is Youth. Salt Lake City, Utah: Deseret Book, 1968. $3.50.

Hatch, Verena Ursenbach. Worship and Music in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Provo, Utah: the author, 1968. $5.95. Available from M. Ephraim Hatch, 883 North 1200 East, Provo, Utah 84601.

Hilton, Eugene. My Second Estate—The Life of a Mormon. Oakland, California: The Hilton Family (2721 Monterey Blvd., Oakland, California 94602), 1968.

Houghey, Hal. Latter-day Saints—Where Did You Get Your Authority? Concord, California: Pacific Publishing Company, 1967. $.50.

Howells, Rulon S. The Way to Happiness. Salt Lake City, Utah: Bookcraft, 1967.

Institute of Religion. University of Utah. A series of brief handouts.
Adamson, Jack H. The Music of Orpheus. 1968.
Brown, Victor L. Church Translating Service. 1968.
Goldthorpe, Fred C. LDS and LSD. 1968.
Landau, Elliot D. Mormons, Gentiles and Insanity. 1967.
Lyon, T. Edgar. The Development of Church Organization and Doctrine at Nauvoo, 1839-1846. 1968.
Maxwell, Neal A. An Evaluative Look at Today’s LDS Youth. 1968.

Jacobs, Barbara Tietjen. So You’re Going on a Mission. Provo, Utah: Press Publishing Company, 1968. $4.95. 

Kaysville Art Club. Pioneers of Utah Art. Kaysville, Utah: Kaysville Art Club, 1968. $4.00. 

Kennedy Galleries, Inc. The West in Bronze. New York City, New York: Kennedy Galleries, Inc., 1968. 

Kleinman, Mary Miles. You Gotta Accommodate the Public. Chicago, Illinois: Adams Press (30 W. Washington Street), 1968. $4.95. The author’s experiences in a small country store in Hurricane, Utah, 1927-44.

Larson, Kenneth. The Discovery of the Graphic Message of Goodhue. Los Angeles, California: the author (5630 Sawtelle Blvd., Culver City, California 90230), 1968. A discussion of the Great Pyramid; some of the teachings of Joseph Smith, etc.

Lavender, David. The Rockies. New York: Harper and Row, 1968. $8.95.

Lund, Jane, and Nancy Menlove. Take a Giant Step. Salt Lake City, Utah: Deseret Book, 1968. $2.95. 

Lundwall, N. B. Marrying out of the Faith. Dugway, Utah: Pioneer Press, 1968.

McCormick, William James McKendrick. Occultism—the true origin of Mormonism; a documented study of divination in the origin and development of Mormonism—as seen in the Bible light. Belfast, Ireland: Raven Publishing Company (48 Upper Queen Street), 1967.

McMurrin, Sterling M. The Negroes among the Mormons. Salt Lake City, Utah: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Salt Lake City Chapter, 1968. $1.00.

Miller, David E. Utah History Atlas. Salt Lake City, Utah: the author, 1968. $2.00. Second edition, revised.

Miller, Hack. The New Billy Casper; More Important Things in Life than Golf. Salt Lake City, Utah: Deseret Book, 1968. $3.95. 

Miller, Jacob. Journal. Salt Lake City, Utah: Mercury Publications Company, 1967 (© 1968). Prepared for publication by Joseph Royal Miller and Elna Miller. 

Neeley, Deta and Glen, and Melba Jensen Friday. A Child’s Story of the Prophet Lorenzo Snow. Salt Lake City, Utah: Deseret Book, 1968. $2.25.

Nelson, Dee Jay. Joseph Smith’s “Eye of Ra”; A Preliminary Survey and First Translations of Facsimile No. 2 in the Book of Abraham. Salt Lake City, Utah: Modern Microfilm Company, 1968. $1.50.

———————. The Joseph Smith Papyri; A Translation and Preliminary Survey of the Ta-shert-Men and Ter Papyri. Salt Lake City, Utah: Modern Microfilm Company, 1968. $.75. 

————————. The Joseph Smith Papyri, Part 2. Salt Lake City, Utah: Modern Microfilm Company, 1968. $1.50. 

Newbold, Noal C, and Bea Kummer. Silver and Snow. Salt Lake City, Utah: the authors, 1968. The story of Park City. 

Peterson, Emma Marr. Book of Mormon Stories for Young LDS. Salt Lake City, Utah: Bookcraft, 1968. $3.50. 

Redd, Amasa Jay, comp. and ed. Lemuel Hardison Redd, Jr. 1856-1923. Pioneer-Leader-Builder. Salt Lake City, Utah: Biography written by Albert R. Lyman (available from author, Box 775, Monticello, Utah), 1967. 

Reps, John W. Town Planning in Frontier America. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1969. $13.50. Mormon cities of Zion.

Romney, George. The Mission and the Dream. New York: Putnam, 1968. $4.95.

Roylance, Ward J. Utah’s Geography and Counties. Salt Lake City, Utah: the author (1660 Redondo Avenue, Salt Lake City, Utah 84105), 1967. $2.00 plus postage.

Sanford, Delillie S. Marjum Pass. Springville, Utah: Art City Publishing Company, 1968. Hard cover $3.00, Soft cover $2.00. Probably fictionalized autobiography; valley of Delta, Utah.

Schoenfeld, Elizabeth. Thoughts for LDS Youth. Salt Lake City, Utah: Pub- lishers Press, 1968. $2.00.

Sedgwick, LeRoy. Why I Left the Mormon Church. Concord, California: Pacific Book and Supply. $.10.

Sill, Sterling W. The Power of Believing. Salt Lake City, Utah: Bookcraft, 1968. $3.75.

Smith, Robert W. Scriptural and Secular Prophecies Pertaining to the Last Days. Salt Lake City, Utah: the author, 1968. $1.95. Eleventh edition, revised.

Son of Former Many Beads. The Ramah Navahos. Lawrence, Kansas: Haskell Institute, 1968. Navaho historical series, no. 1. The Navaho-Mormon relationship at Ramah.

Sperry, Sidney B. The Book of Mormon Compendium. Salt Lake City, Utah: Bookcraft, 1968. $6.95.

Stanford, Joseph. Ogden City and Weber County: A Historical Sketch Tran scribed from the Original Manuscript of Joseph Stanford . . . 1880. Roy, Utah: John M. Belnap (3655 Tyler Avenue, Ogden, Utah), 1968.

Stegner, Wallace. Mormon Country. New York: Bonanza Books, 1968. $1.95. A reprint.

Stoiber, Susanne A. Legislative Politics in the Rocky Mountain West. Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado, Bureau of Government Research and Service, 1967. $2.50.

Tanner, Jerald and Sandra. The Mormon Papyri Question. Salt Lake City, Utah: Modern Microfilm Company, 1968. $.50.

Terry, Keith, and Walter Whipple. From the Dust of Decades, Saga of the Papyri and Mummies. Salt Lake City, Utah: Bookcraft, 1968. $2.25.

Thompson, George A., and Fraser Buck. Treasure Mountain Home. A Centennial History of Park City, Utah. Salt Lake City, Utah: Deseret Book, 1968. $3.95. 

Van Alfen, Nicholas. Porter Rockwell; the Mormon Frontier Marshal. Ogden, Utah: the author, 1968. A revision of the 1964 edition. 

Waite, Lu Jones. Out of the West. Salt Lake City, Utah: Deseret Book Com pany, 1968. $3.95. Fiction. 

Washburn, J. N. Book of Mormon Guidebook and Certain Problems in the Book of Mormon. Orem, Utah: the author, © 1968. 

Watson, Elden J., comp. History of Brigham Young. (From the Millennial Star.) Salt Lake City, Utah: the author (2510 Simpson Avenue, Salt Lake City, Utah 84109), December 1968. 

Welch, Wilford Woodruff. The Reflector. Logan, Utah: Educational Printing Service, 1968. Mormon Poetry. 

White, Ray L. On Getting Things Done. Salt Lake City, Utah: Bookcraft, 1968. $3.25. 

Young, Karl E. Ordeal in Mexico. Salt Lake City, Utah: Deseret Book, 1968. $4.95. Mormons in Mexico.