Articles/Essays – Volume 03, No. 2

Among the Mormons: A Survey of Current Literature

The difficulty in life is the choice. 

George Moore, Bending of the Bough

In this year’s survey of theses and dissertations on Mormon or Utah subjects the reader’s attention is called to the vastly expanded theses listing made possible by the cooperation of Mrs. Ida-Marie Logan of Utah State University, Mrs. Jack M. Yeaman of the University of Utah, and Chad Flake of Brigham Young University. By quadruplicating the sources of items listed, we are in a position to be more selective in what is to be included and excluded under the rubric “Mormon Americana.” Selection, even in a highly defined subject, is never perfect. The editor disagrees with the compiler’s selections, and out go half a dozen titles. Space must be considered—cut another dozen selections. The compiler has his favorite interests and sneaks ten items back into the bibliography. After a while one gets the impression that the best part of the show is “on the cutting room floor.” 

To illustrate the problem, let us take the spring commencement of the University of Utah Graduate School of Social Work. By count, eighty master’s degrees were awarded, of which sixty-seven theses were on subjects which could qualify them for inclusion in this bibliography. A sampling of subjects are: runaways, Utah State Hospital, working mothers, alcoholism, retardation, marital adjustment, probation and parole, all in the State of Utah. One can justifiably argue that if Utah is predominantly Mormon, then problems of social aberration must, in fact, concern portions of the dominant group, and thus fall under the umbrella “Mormon Americana.” Unfortunately, cut we must, and out went social work and most (but not all) of the education theses, especially if they were limited to investigations at a single school or school district. Physical education also fared poorly, as did business theses, but, on the whole, the accompanying list represents a significant scholarly outpouring. 

By way of example, a few of the theses not listed are “Student Spending at the University of Utah 1965-1966” (or What Every Parent Already Knows); “The Nature and Pattern of Skiing Injuries in Utah”; Murderers and Check writers at the Utah State Prison” (even there?); “An Investigation Into the Home Court Advantage of Utah Class B High School Basketball” (I should hope there is an investigation); and finally the now thesis, “Effect of Selected Types of Music and Music Intensity on Basketball Shooting.” 

The small number of dissertations presented less of a selection problem. Since there are proportionately fewer, proportionately more are included, and only one, that of Richard D. Alter, needs any justification. The title, “Effects of Own Stand … ” does not suggest a Mormon relationship and one must turn to the abstract in Dissertation Abstracts for further insight into Dr. Alter’s study in social psychology. Even here the sesquipedalian “professional” terminology by which social scientists obfuscate meaning may cause the uninitiated to flounder. 


Alter, Richard David. Effects of Own Stand, Ego-involvement, Personality, and Information on Item Judgment. University of Utah, 1967. 

220 Mormon students, varying in dogmatism, authoritarianism, concreteness-abstractness, intensity of attitude, involvement, own position, and information, sorted a series of statements about their church on an 11-point favorableness-unfavorableness continuum. Shape of distributions generated in the sorting was best predicted by intensity, followed by concreteness-abstractness, self rating of involvement, self rating of own position, dogmatism, authoritarianism, scaled own position, and information, in that order. Extreme quartiles on the last two of these measures did not differ reliably on the measures of distribution shape, while the remaining comparisons yielded reliable differences on most measures. In terms of item placement and displacement, intensity was the best predictor, followed by scaled own position, involvement rating, and personality. It was concluded that item displacement in Thurstone scales is primarily the result of ego-involved factors, specifically, intensity of belief, with the effects of personality, own stand, and information influencing displacement in decreasing degrees. 

Brewer, David Leslie. Utah Elites and Utah Racial Norms. University of Utah, 1966. 

Cheesman, Paul R. A Cultural Analysis of the Nephite-Lamanite-Mulekite Civilizations From the Book of Mormon. Brigham Young University, 1967.

Crampton, Helen Mickelsen. Acculturation of the Mexican-American in Salt Lake County, Utah. University of Utah, 1967.

Dierman, Frederick George. A Study of Students Enrolled in the Pre-Admission Program of General Studies at the University of Utah. University of Utah, 1967. 

Fisher, Madison Scott. Environment, Expectations and the Significance of Disparity Between Actual and Expected Environment at the University of Utah. University of Utah, 1967. 

Fugal, John Paul. University-Wide Religious Objectives: Their History and Implementation at Brigham Young University. Brigham Young University, 1967.

Godfrey, Kenneth W. Causes of Mormon-Non-Mormon Conflict in Hancock County, Illinois, 1839-1846. Brigham Young University, 1967.

Jones, Hilda Beth. Assessment of Legal Provisions for the Mentally Retarded in Utah; A Comparison of the State Code with National Criteria. University of Utah, 1967.

Lynch, Brent Thatcher, Jr. A Survey of Adult Criminal Justice in Utah. University of Utah, 1966.

Mitten, Robert Moore. The Chronic Effects of Cigarette Smoking on the Development of Endurance. Temple University, 1966. 

Pedersen, Lyman Clarence. History of Fort Douglas, Utah. Brigham Young University, 1967. 

Peterson, Dan Willard. The Local School Board in Utah. University of Utah, 1966. 

Puckett, Eldon Hardy. A System of Analysis of the Student Teaching Opera- tion at Brigham Young University, with a Resultant Handbook of Policies and Procedures for Student Teaching at B.Y.U. Brigham Young University, 1967. 

Smith, Harold Taylor. An Analysis of Intellectual Factors Bearing on Success in the College of Business, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. Brigham Young University, 1967. Stephen, Eric George. B. H. Roberts: A Rhetorical Study. University of Utah, 1966. 

Taylor, Eldon R. The Principles of Election and Predestination in the Teachings of Paul and in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Brigham Young University, 1967.

Thorpe, Philip Dayton. The Brigham Young University Ward Bishops and Professional Counselors as Helping Persons. Brigham Young University, 1967.

Van Wagoner, Ferrin Dean. A Critical Analysis of the State School Finance Plan. Brigham Young University, 1967. 


Allen, Ferrin Leon. Storytelling: An Art Form in Expression and Interpretation as Taught in Mutual Improvement Association of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Utah State University, 1967.

Anderson, Judy Butler. The Beehive House: Its Design, Restoration and Furnishings. Brigham Young University, 1967. 

Baum, John Haws. Geographical Characteristics of Early Mormon Settle- ments. Brigham Young University, 1967.

Bishop, Clarence R. A History of the Indian Student Placement Program of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. University of Utah, 1967.

Bowman, Anthony Will. From Silver to Skis: A History of Alta, Utah, and Little Cottonwood Canyon, 1847-1966. Utah State University, 1967.

Brewster, Hoyt William, Jr. A Comparative Study of the Problems and Guid- ance Resources of Freshmen at Brigham Young University. Brigham Young University, 1967. 

Burton, Warren Lindsay. A Cultural History of Cache Valley. Utah State University, 1965. 

Cannon, John Q., Jr. Traditional Family Ideology of Undergraduate University Students. Brigham Young University, 1967.

Capener, Homer Duncan. An Analysis of Dating Attitudes and Frequency Patterns of Coeds Residing in Helaman Halls, Heritage Halls, and Wymount Terrace of Brigham Young University. Brigham Young University, 1967.

Castleton, Don Bernard. The Concept of Zion as Reflected in Mormon Song. Brigham Young University, 1967.

Chard, Gary Ray. A History of the French Mission of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Utah State University, 1965. 

Child, John Kay. A Study of the Comparisons Between the Academic Achievements in B.Y.U Religion Courses of L.D.S. Students Who Graduated from L.D.S. Seminaries and L.D.S. Students Who Had Not Attended L.D.S. Seminaries. Brigham Young University, 1967.

Decker, Rodney Dalton. Senator Wallace Foster Bennett: Political and Legislative Biography. Utah State University, 1966.

Dunford, John Parley. The Students Leave Zion; An Impetus in Twentieth Century Utah. Utah State University, 1965. 

Dunford, Robert Moroni. The Relationship Between the Religious Attitudes and Religious Activity of Seminary Students and the Priesthood Activity Status of the Fathers. Brigham Young University, 1967. 

Eddins, Boyd Lavell. The Influence of the Civil War on the Mormons. Utah State University, 1967. 

Garfield, Gene Jensen. The Senate Career of Herbert B. Maw. Utah State University, 1965. 

Garner, Kent Ralph. An Analysis of the Effect of Seminary Instruction Upon Certain Attitudes of Students Who Enroll for Reasons Other Than Personal Desire. Brigham Young University, 1967.

Gilbert, Byron J. A Comparative G.P.A. Study of Returned Missionaries on Academic Probation, Academic Suspension or in Good Standing. Brigham Young University, 1967.

Goodrich, Roger Evans. A Study on the Use of Statistical Methods in Religious Educational Research. Brigham Young University, 1967.

Green, Arnold Harrison. A Survey of Latter-day Saint Proselyting Efforts to the Jewish People. Brigham Young University, 1967. 

Hanna, John Richard. Use of Alcoholic Beverages Among Selected High School Seniors in Box Elder and Cache Counties, Utah. Utah State University, 1967.

Hansen, Dean Maurice. An Analysis of the 1964 Idaho Second Congressional District Election Campaign. Brigham Young University, 1967.

Hanson, Brooks Kent. A Geographical Analysis of the Emergence and Subsequent Disappearance of the Cotton Industry in the Virgin River Basin (1856-1910). Brigham Young University, 1967.

Harmon, Alton Mayvard. Attitudes of Young Caucasians Toward Fellow Japanese-Americans Relative to Inter-Racial Friendship, Dating, and Marriage in North Box Elder County, Utah. Utah State University, 1967. 

Hatch, William Whitridge. A History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints in the Southern States 1861-1941. Utah State University, 1965.

Holmes, Robert Devan. Church and Employment Activities of Industrial Arts Teachers in Utah. Utah State University, 1965. 

Hubner, Calvin Wayne. Utah Delegations at the National Nominating Conventions: 1860-1928. Utah State University, 1966.

Jack, Ronald Collett. Political Participation in Utah Before the Formation of Political Parties, 1847-1869. University of Utah, 1967. 

Jacobs, David Kent. The History of Motion Pictures Produced by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Brigham Young University, 1967.

Jenkins, Ronald Wilde. A History of the Grand Opera House and Ogden’s Golden Age of Theatre, 1890-1909. Utah State University, 1966. 

Jenson, Sidney Lamarr. Vardis Fisher’s Outsiders. Utah State University, 1966.

Kotter, Richard E. An Examination of Mormon and Non-Mormon Influences in Ogden City Politics, 1847-1896. Utah State University, 1967. 

Larson, Robert Ernest. Factors in the Acceptance and Adoption of Family Home Evenings in the L.D.S. Church: A Study of Planned Change. Brigham Young University, 1967.

LeBaron, E. Dale. Benjamin Franklin Johnson: Colonizer, Public Servant, and Church Leader. Brigham Young University, 1967.

Lewis, M. Brent. A Comparison of the Established Editorial Policy with Reader Expectations of The Improvement Era. Brigham Young University, 1967.

Lingwall, Karl Edward. The History of Educational Administration in Salt Lake City 1890-1901. University of Utah, 1967. 

Lounsbury, Jerry Robert. Acts of Incorporation in Territorial Utah. Utah State University, 1966. 

Lyman, Edward Leo, Heber M. Wells and the Beginnings of Utah’s State- hood. University of Utah, 1967.

Malmgren, Larry H. The History of the WPA in Utah. Utah State University, 1965.

Marsh, Gary Benjamin. The Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages and Some Related Implications for the People of Utah. University of Utah, 1967.

Martin, Paul LaMar. A Historical Study of the Religious Education Program of the Episcopal Church in Utah. Brigham Young University, 1967.

Mecham, Delmar Blaine. Attitudes About Cigarette Smoking and Anti-Cigarette Smoking Literature in Selected Social Categories. Utah State University, 1967.

Mickelsen, Allen Relius. Some Factors of Industrial Development in the State of Utah. University of Utah, 1967. 

Mitchell, Glen Armond. Personality Traits and Skills Considered by Seminary Students To Be Most Essential for a Successful Released-Time Seminary Teacher. Brigham Young University, 1967. 

Montague, Wallace Dea. A Proposed Program for Adjusting the Released- Time Seminary Program of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to Three Major Flexible Schedule Programs. Brigham Young University, 1967.

Morgan, Dallas Dee. The Utah Educational Controversy, 1963-1964: A Study in Political Behavior. University of Utah, 1967. 

Moses, Katie Jeanne, The Effect of Group Counseling on Probationary Stu- dents at Brigham Young University, 1967. Brigham Young University, 1967.

Pace, Alfred Lawrence, III. A Study of the Attitudes of Latter-day Saint Seminary Students Toward Certain Church Standards of Dress and Conduct. Brigham Young University, 1967.

Palmer, John Franklin. Mormon Settlements in the San Juan Basin of Colorado and New Mexico. Brigham Young University, 1967.

Payne, William Dennison. The Relationship Between Expressed Religious Involvement and Some Economic Attitudes of Working Class Mormons. Brigham Young University, 1967.

Peterson, Mary Jo Giles. Non-Academic Factors Related to Academic Performance of Brigham Young University Students. Brigham Young University, 1967.

Preece, Eldred Bruce. A Course of Study for the L.D.S. Indian Seminary Program of Northern America for Junior High School Students. Brigham Young University, 1967. 

Quinn, Rolfe Thomas. The Governorship of Henry H. Blood, the Critical Years, 1933-34. University of Utah, 1967. 

Rasmussen, Jay Lee, Social Life in Early Utah, 1847-1869. Utah State University, 1967. 

Robson, Ross Everett. Major Political Patronage in Utah, 1965. Utah State University, 1967. 

Romaine, William Darvel. The Impact of Social and Economic Change on Education in San Juan County. University of Utah, 1967.

Romney, Joseph Barnard. The Exodus of the Mormon Colonists from Mexico, 1912. University of Utah, 1967.

Rowley, Orson Grant. A Study of the Utah School Finance Foundation Pro- gram, 1947-1966. University of Utah, 1967.

Santiago, Francis. An Investigation of the Power Structure of the Tooele County School District. Brigham Young University, 1967.

Schuster, Stephen William, IV. The Evolution of Mormon City Planning and Salt Lake City, Utah, 1833-1877. University of Utah, 1967.

Simmonds, Andrew Jeffrey. A History of Cornish, Trenton, Clarkston, New- ton and Amalga, Utah. Utah State University, 1967.

Slack, Robert A. A Biographical Study of Isaac Chauncey Haight, Early Religious and Civic Leader of Southern Utah. Brigham Young University, 1967.

Smith, Lowell Jay. A Photographic Essay of Franklin, Idaho. Utah State University, 1966.

Smith, Mearle B. A Study of the Content Suitability of High School Economics-Oriented Courses in the State of Utah. Brigham Young University, 1967.

Springer, Jerry Robert. Economic and Social Influences Upon Educational Attainment in Utah and the Nation. Utah State University, 1965.

Steinagel, Verne Orin. The Relationships (or Association) of Teen-Age Peer Group Membership to the Faithfulness of L.D.S. High School Students. Brigham Young University, 1967.

Stewart, Lynn D. Constitutional Rights and the Mormon Appeals for National Redress of the Missouri Grievances. Brigham Young University, 1967.

Stucki, Alfred B. A Historical Study of Silver Reef: Southern Utah Mining Town. Brigham Young University, 1967. 

Tanner, Nancy Ann. A Study of the Integration of Economic Concepts and Principles by Teachers Who Participated in the B.Y.U. Economic Education Workshops, 1960-64. Brigham Young University, 1967.

Warner, Keith Crandall. History of the Netherlands Mission of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1861-1966. Brigham Young University, 1967.

West, Robert W. A Study of Public Speaking Abilities of L.D.S. Youth. Brigham Young University, 1967.