Articles/Essays – Volume 04, No. 3


Leaves and fruit were falling 
And I only wanted to know 
Why this, of all the trees, 
Kept alternating greens 
And browns and why it dropped 
Those ugly pods and stems— 
I only wanted to know 
Of the roots, the crazy clutch 
That broke the ground, the branches 
Elbowing into the sun, 
The netted leaves, the shoots, 
Buds, blossoms, scars—I had 
To know this motion I 
Could almost see, I felt 
Its harboring of life 
That somehow is not life, 
Of life alive against 
Itself! I felt I must 
Know why the struggle, why 
That little piece of bark 
Was flaking off—I touched! 
And a branch dropped at my feet 

And spoke yes spoke to me
Moving and speaking—oh Gods!
And then it gently twined
My leg and ran its head 
Up up my thigh and asked If I were pleased or if 
I understood I said 
I did not but I wished 
To understand the tree 
It said to know you must 
Partake I did I knew 
The tree I was the tree 
The branch went in the tree
Again I was the branch 
The branch was I I could 
Not tell which was the branch!
But I could see! I saw 
A country in the mist 
Beyond the stream, this garden
Has an end, come eat! 
Come see where the river runs
Into a sea of sand!