Articles/Essays – Volume 31, No. 3
Fashion Show
Did she think, “Depression,”
As banks collapsed,
Men took to the road, farms
Reclaimed and lost?
In home ec. class she sewed
For their fashion show,
Giving each shy stitch its care.
She knew how.
But to think of crossing the stage
At Franklin School
Gave a chill like Utah frost
To bone and muscle
In the warm Arizona weather
Where she’s new.
Was “Depression” a time?—or money
Still just slow?
Cleaned shoes, new dress, and hair
Combed carefully so.
“At Molly, before me, they laughed.”
(Ha, ha. Ho, ho.)
“She runs a women’s store now.
Is well-to-do.”
But she who expected the laugh,
The blushful to-do,
Made it across the stage
With the simple poise
Of the modest, of those who believe
That neither praise
Nor censure is their due
In a public place,
Or performance the game expected
Of their race.