Articles/Essays – Volume 32, No. 4

From Under Ground

From under ground 
you can hear them stomp, 
a chaotic cacophony 
amplified by mud and bone, 
deep-sunk despair 
become a dance of fear, 
anger in the air, 
blood below. 

            From under ground 
            the rotten roots lie 
            to those brave enough 
            to wrap compassion ’round them 
            like arms. 

                        Few are willing to dig so deep. 
                        To die, you have to trust dirt. 

            From under ground 
            the papery winter of 
            lilies and daffodils 
            reveals its faith in patience. 
            Roots are right to grow down 
            while eager shoots burst into sunlight 
            all surprised. 

From under ground 
you can see and believe 
how love could live, 
how courage prevail. 
Upside down 
is the only way 
to see the way 
to right the world 
of wrong.