Articles/Essays – Volume 26, No. 4
I Have Learned 5 Things
1. The sulfurous flame
sunbeams in corners
lightning like cracked glass
the bulb of an idea
your dark eyes
have one source.
2. Pain is truer than people
truer than a full plate
truer than God.
3. Joy is a suitcase
packed with everyday things
no beaded gowns, no hats
no umbrella
just pajamas, a toothbrush, sneakers.
If it rains
stand there
soak up every drop
like applause.
4. I have learned that I want less:
the sound of lake water lapping
tadpoles listless in sun-heated shallows
wispy grass, knobby reeds
greeting me, my name
caught in their raspy throats
one or two clouds
and a bird, maybe,
if it doesn’t sing.
5. Old age is where you started,
a child
looking up at the light
at jumbled faces
at mouths whispering, “there, now,
go back to sleep.”