Articles/Essays – Volume 27, No. 3
On X-ing
crossed out—an inexact word in typescript
but not erased
left unused—an unread book
but not unneeded
cut off from communion—the words can’t touch
but not from the Word
thrust forth—a babe with no cradle
but not reborn
no longer a member—expendable column or beam
but not without friends
exhibit A and B and C ad omega
excise exile expel exceed excess exclude
O we could X all night X left and right
and never exhaust the extremes the explanations
the x’s (no exponent to express this sequence)
the consequences:
exodus expiration excoriation expose
explosion exasperation extirpation exotic
extra-vagance extrication eccentricity exertion
exception exploration expectation expansion
expression excellence excitement expiation
exuberance exhilaration exaltation ecstacy