Articles/Essays – Volume 38, No. 1

Prayer for a Grandchild

for Holden at two 

Let bells come 
            from porches and throats 
of brown cows, 

and whistles be 
            handmade from weeds. 
Let shock be 

from stands of mint 
            in a ditch, and pansies 
bearded with ice. 

Let him find 
            four-leaf clovers, 
his name in a pond 

of soup. Breathe leaves, 
            eat snow, harvest 
cheesies, hear 

ducks on the roof. 
            Give him knowledge 
of horses, calluses,

women in aprons, 
            the smack of a ball 
in a pasture, yarn, 

copper dirt. 
            Let him hear 
music alone, 

plain words.