Articles/Essays – Volume 27, No. 1
To Joseph of Nazareth: Patron Saint of Fathers Dispossessed
Joseph, I too have known that sad angelic word
Which renders a father not-father.
Your children
(My seminary teacher told us the angel told you)
Your children would belong to God
Be sealed to their mother and her
(Can’t have God’s son without being sealed
To God, my seminary teacher said).
You would be lifted to the highest heaven
For your gift to God.
I have not been stripped of fatherhood by God.
That privilege belonged only to you
(The angel told you that, my teacher told us).
But my children’s courteous mother
Would like the heavenly court
To name my children not-my-children
As earthly court has named me visitor
And I wonder,
Oh Father saint of fathers dispossessed
(Fathers-not-fathers your children)
Wandering the Heavenly courts
Do you feel a loss for the children
You fathered for the Father?
Regard, oh Father, my case,
You who know that visitor
Does not have the ring
Of Father.