
Kah Leong Poon

Kah Leong Poon, a native of Singapore, initially attended Brigham Young University as a competitive swimmer but earned a BFA degree in photography in 1995. In New York, he completed internships with Joyce Tenneson and Annie Leibovitz. He was hired by Tenneson, with whom he worked for three and a half years. He now heads his own studio in New York City with clients including London Fog, Ernst and Young, Polaroid, Fujifilm, Psychology Today , Zoom, Zink , and the New York Times . Kah Leong has received awards from Graphis and Polaroid. His work was selected for a one-man exhibition at Grey Worldwide Advertising Agency. For more information, visit

Christmas in Central Park

5×7 in., digital photograph, Mormon Artists Group Press Christmas Card, 2006