Scott Carrier
Scott Carrier, whose photographs we feature in this issue of Dialogue, is an independent writer and radio producer. His print stories have been published in Harper’s, Rolling Stone, Esquire, QQ, and Mother Jones magazines. His radio stories have been broadcast on All Things Considered, This American Life , Savvy Traveler, and other public radio pro’ grams. A collection of his stories, Running After Antelope, was published by Counterpoint Press in 2001. “I started taking photographs of the people I interviewed for radio stories. Or at least I did this in the beginning, and then stopped because it seemed like asking too much of the subject to do both things, and also there was no use for the photos in those days. Now there is the World Wide Web, which combines audio and visual photos very well. But the photos in the show [and in this issue of Dialogue] were taken for magazine articles I wrote for various publications. I was hired as a writer, but I also took photos and the magazines liked them and published them.”

Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan , 2001

Prisoners Eating Lunch at Sheberghan Prison, Afghanistan

Guarding the front Gate of Shebergan

Northern Alliance Soldier at Qala-i-Jhangi

Ladies Day at the Mosque

Bundles on Their Heads


Taliban Prisoner Eating
