
Shauna Cook Clinger

This issue features the work of Shauna Cook Clinger, a Utah artist. A native of Salt Lake City, Clinger began her artistic training under Harold Petersen ģ As a presidential scholar, she studied under Alvin Gittins and Doug Snow at the University of Utah. In 1979 Alvin Gittins wrote that “Shauna Cook [Clinger] is an unusually gifted artist – a ‘natural.’ ” She graduated magna cum laude from the University of Utah in 1976 and did graduate work under William Whitaker at Brigham Young University in 1978-79. Clinger comments: “For me, all of life is the manifestation of and vehicle for deeper spiritual realities. My passion remains using the human form as an expression of spirit – from a personal interpretation of one specific indi￾vidual to a symbolic metaphor or personification of broader spiritual concepts, beliefs or experiences. My work mirrors and documents my inner journey. Can my process be captured on and communicated from two dimensional surfaces? For me, that is the quest.”

Diptych 1 : ‘That they which see not might see, ‘John 9:39

72″ X 36″ each panel, oil on two linen panels, 1987 ; collection of the artist.

Lynn and Jill

40″x30″, oil on linen, 1980; courtesy of Dawna and David Barton.

Pink on Overstuffed

42″ X 42″, oil on canvas, 1 980 ; collection of the artist.


38″x25″, Nu-pastel on paper, 1980; collection of the artist.


38″x25″, Nu-pastel on paper, 1980; collection of the artist.


38″x25″, Nu-pastel on paper, 1980; collection of the artist.


60″x48″, oil on canvas, 1976; courtesy of Brooke and Ray Morrison.


74″x36″, oil on canvas, 1975; courtesy of Carla Olavson.

Diptych 1 : ‘That they which see not might see, ‘John 9:39

72″ X 36″ each panel, oil on two linen panels, 1987 ; collection of the artist.