
Tom Plummer

TOM PLUMMER {[email protected]} spent his “first career” as a professor of German, specializing in German cinema, literature, and art up to 1933. He spent a great deal of time on German expressionism, having been smitten by artists who dared to use brilliant cyans, magen￾tas, and goldenrods, and to frame their work in defiant angles and alien shapes. When he took up painting in retirement, he returned to that paradoxical world where he began. He has struggled to paint with emo￾tion, to slosh on clashing colors and lines, which lead in unpredictable directions, and which embrace an ironic view. He cannot escape the oxymorons that bubble up from those early works of art.

Brigham Young

17×22, acrylic on paper

Joseph Smith

17×22, acrylic on paper