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- 4 hand picked books delivered to your door quarterly
- Members only live Q&A event with each book author
- Access to our exclusive Facebook Group
- Special bonus episodes of Dialogue Book Report podcast
Best Value
- 4 printed journals delivered to your door quarterly
- 4 hand picked books delivered to your door quarterly
- Members only live Q&A event with each book author
- Access to our exclusive Facebook Group
- Special bonus episodes of Dialogue Book Report podcast
How it works

Dialogue Editors select four new release devotional, scholarly, and fiction books on Latter-day Saint topics

1 book is delivered to your door once a quarter for a total of 4 books a year.

Each quarter you have access to Q&A events with each book author, as well access to an exclusive Facebook Group and book report podcasts.
2025 Books

Fifty Years of Exponent II
Katie Ludlow Rich and Heather Sundahl

Dictates of Conscience
Laurie Lee Hall

Joseph Smith: The Rise and Fall of an American Prophet
John G. Turner
2024 Books

American Zion: A New History of Mormonism
Benjamin E. Park

Seven Gospels: The Many Lives of Christ in the Book of Mormon
Rosalynde Welch & Adam Miller

The Unseating of Dr. Smoot
William Morris

Second-Class Saints: Black Mormons and the Struggle for Racial Equality
Matthew L. Harris
2023 Books

East Winds: A Global Quest to Reckon with Marriage
Rachel Rueckert

Convicting the Mormons: The Mountain Meadows Massacre in American Culture
Janiece Johnson

The September Six and the Struggle for the Soul of Mormonism
Sara M. Patterson

Joseph Smith and the Mormons
Noah Van Sciver
2022 Books

Ninety-Nine Fire Hoops
Allison Hong Merrill

Eugene England: A Mormon Liberal
Kristine L. Haglund

Heike’s Void
Steven L. Peck

Mormon Women at the Crossroads
Caroline Kline
2021 Books

Ezra Taft Benson and the making of the Mormon Right
Matthew L. Harris

Twila Newey

Stretching the Heavens
Terryl L. Givens

Zion Earth Zen Sky
Charles Shiro Inouye