Alixa Brobbey
ALIXA BROBBEY spent portions of her childhood in both the Netherlands and Ghana before traveling to study English at Brigham Young University. Her work has been published or is forthcoming in Canvas, Blue Marble Review, the Battering Ram, Segullah, Inscape, the Albion Review, the Susquehanna Review, and others.
Articles/Essays – Volume 56, No. 2
“And he said unto me: Knowest thou the condescension of God?”—1 Nephi 11:16 A body so light, it floatedacross wind-whipped wavesand did not sink. So full of life,it survived empty forty days,no wheat for forty…
Read moreDaffodils
Articles/Essays – Volume 54, No. 3
Your lips are melting petals,Wilting into my mouth.My tears not clearEnough to revive them. When you learn to fly,Will they forget to dance?Lose their maypole eyelashesAnd languish, lonely, withWings cut. And yet,I pray, make me…
Read moreCreated in His Image
Articles/Essays – Volume 54, No. 3
I.The first lie they told me wasBlonde Jesus. Thick Belinda locks,And blue ocean eyes.He hangs on the cross, whiteLike a tender lamb, orWhite like a lily flower,Or like white snowSmothering brown ground. II.The second lie…
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