Benjamin E. Park
Benjamin E. Park received his PhD in history from the University of Cambridge and is currently an assistant professor of American religious history at Sam Houston State University. His articles have been published in Dialogue, Journal of Mormon History, Early American Studies, Journal of the Early Republic, American Nineteenth Century History, and Church History, and his essays have appeared in Washington Post, Newsweek, Religion & Politics, Talking Points Memo, and Religion Dispatches. His first book was American Nationalisms: Imagining Union in the Age of Revolutions (Cambridge University Press), and has completed his second, Kingdom of Nauvoo: The Rise and Fall of a Religious Empire on the American Frontier (W. W. Norton/Liveright).
Peculiar No More? | K. Mohrman, Exceptionally Queer:Mormon Peculiarity and U.S. Nationalism
Articles/Essays – Volume 56, No. 4
It is a common adage that Mormons are a “peculiar people.” The phrase, taken from the Bible, is meant to imply that members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints paved their own…
Read moreMormon Dissent in the Age of Fracture
Articles/Essays – Volume 56, No. 3
When fifteen hundred progressive Mormons attended Sunstone Symposium in August 1992, they did so in protest. The symposium had become a center point in the growing battle between Latter-day Saint leaders and activists, especially as…
Read moreModern Mormonism, Gender, and the Tangled Nature of History Gregory A. Prince. Gay Rights and the Mormon Church
Articles/Essays – Volume 53, No. 3
Few topics have dominated modern Mormon discourse as much as those related to homosexuality. Especially following the contentious and engrossing debates surrounding Proposition 8—the electoral battle in California in 2008 over the legality of same-sex…
Read moreReview: A Book Full of Insights Laurel Thatcher Ulrich. A House Full of Females: Plural Marriage and Women’s Rights in Early Mormonism, 1835–1870
Articles/Essays – Volume 50, No. 1
Salvation through a Tabernacle: Joseph Smith, Parley P. Pratt, and Early Mormon Theologies of Embodiment
Articles/Essays – Volume 43, No. 2
Dialogue 43.2 (Summer 2010): 1–44
A discussion of the theology of the body being combined with the spirit for various different reasons.
(Re)Interpreting Early Mormon Thought: Synthesizing Joseph Smith’s Theology and the Process of Religion Formation
Articles/Essays – Volume 45, No. 2
Mormon History Association Conference: The Theology of a Career Convert: Edward Tullidge’s Evolving Identities
Articles/Essays – Volume 45, No. 3
Review: Quincy D. Newell and Eric F. Mason, eds. New Perspectives in Mormon Studies: Creating and Crossing Boundaries
Articles/Essays – Volume 46, No. 3