Bethany Chaffin

BETHANY CHAFFIN is a long-time teacher who now specializes in teaching creative writ￾ing to adults. She is a mother of four grown children, wife of an Alzheimer's patient, and a freelance writer-editor. Moving from Salt Lake City to Mantua, a small town east of Brig￾ham City, Utah, was planned to give her more time to write. However, since residing there, she has become immersed in civic responsibilities by establishing a town library. She acts as teacher-trainer and Cultural Refinement leader in her Ward and as Stake Primary Chorister. Ever on the lookout for new material on aging, she has written over a dozen articles on Alzheimer's disease as well as on other medical subjects, and she has published humor, music, feature stories, poetry and plays as well as two novels and three non-fiction books which are in print at the present time.

Living with Alzheimer’s Disease: A Wife’s Perspective

Articles/Essays – Volume 19, No. 1

“Frank, please sit up here,” I pleaded, patting the doctor’s examination table and urging my husband forward. I was trying to be patient. By nature I move fast, and holding myself back to accommodate his slowness…

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A Poetic Legacy | Clarice Short, The Owl on the Aerial

Articles/Essays – Volume 24, No. 3

If Clarice Short had not chosen to become a great educator, she might have developed into a major poet. Her poetic output, excellent in quality but admittedly limited, reveals her as a woman dedicated to her…

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