Brian Walton

Brian Walton, former B.Y.U. Student body Pres￾ident, is currently working on a master's degree in Political Science at B.Y.U.

A University’s Dilemma: B.Y.U. and Blacks

Articles/Essays – Volume 06, No. 1

Dialogue 6.1 (Spring 1971): 31–36
Brian Walton, the BYU student body president in 1969-70 wrote this article to adress race issues head on. During BYU’s 1969-70 academic year, because of the church’s policy of denying blacks the priesthood and temple blessings, there were numerous protests at sporting events. In addition, several schools severed ties with BYU for a time.One of the ways that he was able to accomplish that was to bring in a fact finding mission from the Univeristy of Arizona to identify potential racism at BYU by interviewing students.

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