Bryan R. Warnick

BRYAN R. WARNICK {[email protected]}, is associate profes￾sor of philosophy of education and associate dean of academic af￾fairs in the College of Education and Human Ecology, Ohio State University. In Mormon Studies, he published an article on Joseph Smith’s philosophy of education in the journal Educational Theory. He lives with his wife, Ellie, and three children in Columbus, Ohio.

The Road to Emmaus

Articles/Essays – Volume 33, No. 4

On the Sunday afternoon following the Crucifixion, two of Christ’s disciples made their way to a place called Emmaus, a small town seven or eight miles from Jerusalem. This is a journey that began in despair and concluded in hope, and I wish to examine this transformation and apply it to the human condition.

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Hospitality in the Book of Mormon

Articles/Essays – Volume 47, No. 1

Dialogue 47.1 (Spring 2014):24–57
his article will examine hospitality as it is found in the Book of Mormon. We will look at instances when a person (or group) invites an outsider (or group of outsiders) into the home or community, making note of how the hospitality is exercised, what motivates it, what role it plays in the Book of Mormon narrative, and what spiritual or religious dimensions it is assigned.

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