Carole R. Fontaine

CAROLE R. FONTAINE is Professor of Hebrew Scriptures at Andover New￾ton Theological School. A specialist in wisdom traditions and feminist literary criticism, she is the author of Traditional Sayings in the Old Testa￾ment: A Contextual Study, and co-editor of several volumes in the com￾mentary series A Feminist Companion to the Bible. She is author of the study notes to the Book of Proverbs in the Harpers Study Bible, and her commentaries on the Book of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes have appeared in Women's Bible Commentary and the Harpers Bible Commentary. She has been featured as an expert commentator on the Arts and Entertainment Network's Mysteries of the Bible. In addition, she is a scribe and illumina￾tor of manuscripts and has been Artist-in-Residence at Andover Newton since 1995.

Wisdom Traditions in the Hebrew Bible

Articles/Essays – Volume 33, No. 1

Introduction Practical advice on farming, choosing a wife, table manners at court, as well as speculations on the nature of divine justice and the mysteries of nature—these are just a few of the topics which…

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