Carrie A. Miles

CARRIE A. MILES, a frequent speaker at Sunstone symposia, is the au￾thor of The Redemption of Love: Rescuing Marriage and Family from the Eco￾nomics of a Fallen World (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Brazos Press, 2006) and co￾author with Laurence R. Iannaccone of Male and Female in Christ (San Jose, Calif.: Lem Press, 1999). She holds a doctorate in social and organi￾zational psychology from the University of Chicago and is currently a se￾nior research fellow at the Consortium for the Economic Study of Reli￾gion at George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia. She and her husband, Laurence R. Iannaccone, have two grown children. This paper is taken from The Redemption of Love and was presented at the 2005 annual meet￾ing of Society for the Scientific Study of Religion/Association for the Study of Religion, Economics, and Culture. Used by permission. She thanks Laurence R. Iannaccone and Anne Mikkola for their comments and suggestions.

Eternity Be Damned? The Impact of Interfaith Vows: Same Religion, Different Churches

Articles/Essays – Volume 23, No. 2

If you want to learn how to have a successful interfaith marriage, I have to start by telling you as a social psychologist that I don’t recommend marrying outside your faith. Although I have been…

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Eternal Love

Articles/Essays – Volume 36, No. 3

Like many baby-boomers, philosopher Roger Scruton as a young man accepted the sexual standards of his generation, eschewing marriage in favor of “experiments” with less binding relationships. Scruton finally did marry when he found that his “experiment had turned into a commitment instead,” but the marriage lasted only a few years. Reflecting on his painful and all-too-common experience, Scruton wrote, “Our years of cohabitation had disenchanted our first love, while offering no second love in place of it.”

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Patriarchy or Gender Equality? The Letter to the Ephesians on Submission, Headship, and Slavery

Articles/Essays – Volume 39, No. 2

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