Christie Davies

DOUGLAS J. DAVIES, a graduate of Durham, Oxford, and Nottingham Uni￾versities, has also had the honorary degree of Doctor of Sacred Theology conferred upon him by the University of Uppsala in Sweden. He has published widely in religious studies with particular interest both in LDS culture (Mormon Spirituality, 1987, and The Mormon Culture of Salva￾tion, 2000) and in death studies (Death, Ritual and Belief, second edition, 2002). His most recent work Anthropology and Theology (2002) reflects his long commitment to relating these two academic disciples. He currently holds a personal chair at the University of Durham as Professor in the Study of Religion.

Place, Time, and Family in Mormonism

Articles/Essays – Volume 34, No. 3

Christianity claims to be a universal religion, but in its origins and development it is also a Mediterranean religion, a religion which began among the Jews of Israel at the joining point of the great…

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