Clyde D. Ford
CLYDE D. FORD{[email protected]} is a physician living in Salt Lake City, Utah. He is an independent scholar whose work has been published in Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought, the Journal of Mormon History, and elsewhere. He dedicates this study to his wife and best friend of fifty years, Cheryl, whom he misses every day.
Reconsidering Reconciliation
Articles/Essays – Volume 57, No. 2
Dear Editor,
I read with interest Robert A. Rees, “Truth and Reconciliation: Reflections on the Fortieth Anniversary of the LDS Church’s Lifting the Priesthood and Temple Restrictions for Black Mormons of African Descent” in the summer 2023 issue of Dialogue (56, no. 2).
My biography is much like Rees’s….
Read moreJesus and the Father. The Book of Mormon and the Early Nineteenth-Century Debates on the Trinity
Note: This article one of the special web-only series and not printed in a physical issue.
Read moreThe Sidney Sperry/Heber Snell Debates: Critical Biblical Scholarship and Mormon Tradition
Articles/Essays – Volume 55, No. 2
In 2018, the Sunday School instructor of my Mormon congregation was assigned to teach the stories about Lot found in Genesis 19. The teacher confessed that he was very uncomfortable discussing these narratives. Instead, he…
Read moreThe Novel Mormon Doctrines of Ultimate Rewards and Punishments as First Revealed in The Vision: Some Observations on History, Sources, and Interpretation
Articles/Essays – Volume 49, No. 4
Lehi on the Great Issues: Book of Mormon Theology in Early Nineteenth-Century Perspective
Articles/Essays – Volume 38, No. 4
Dialogue 38.4 (Winter 2006):83–104
Thus, regardless of how one chooses to resolve the issues surrounding its origins, one must conclude that the Book of Mormon’s theological arguments should be seen as designed to be read and understood by its early nineteenth-century audience.
Modernism and Mormonism: James E. Talmage’s Jesus the Christ and Early Twentieth-Century Mormon Responses to Biblical Criticism
Articles/Essays – Volume 41, No. 4
The Book of Mormon, the Early Nineteenth-Century Debates over Universalism, and the Development of the Novel Mormon Doctrines of Ultimate Rewards and Punishments
Articles/Essays – Volume 47, No. 1
Dialogue 47.1 (Spring 2014):1–23
This conclusion is obviously problematic, as it implies that the early Church repudiated teachings from the Book of Mormon immediately following its publication. Thus there is a need for a reassessment of the relation between early nineteenth-century Universalism and the teachings of the Book of Mormon and subsequent revelations.