David John Buerger
DAVID JOHN BUERGER, author of The Mysteries of Godliness: A History of Mormon Temple Worship is a freelance business writer for technology companies. He lives in Napa Valley, California.
The Adam-God Doctrine
Articles/Essays – Volume 15, No. 1
On April 9, 1852, Brigham Young rose once again to address a session of general conference. He intended to preach several discourses, he said, and as the Deseret News observed the following week, “the Holy Ghost [rested] upon [him] in great power, while he revealed some of the precious things of the kingdom.”
Read more“The Fullness of the Priesthood”: The Second Anointing in Latter-day Saint Theology and Practice
Articles/Essays – Volume 16, No. 1
There is no exaltation in the kingdom of God without the fulness of the priesthood. . . . Every man who is faithful and will receive these [temple] ordinances and blessings obtains a fulness of…
Read moreThe Development of the Mormon Temple Endowment Ceremony
Articles/Essays – Volume 20, No. 4
Dialogue 20.4 (Winter 1987): 75–122
Buerger outlines the history of the endowment ceremony but does not share anything that he has covenanted not to divulge.
The Development of the Mormon Temple Endowment Ceremony
Articles/Essays – Volume 34, No. 1
Dialogue 34.1 (Spring/Summer 2001): 87
However, the temple has maintained its central role in the lives of
Latter-day Saints by being able to create a point of intersection between
human desires for righteousness and the divine willingness to be bound
by covenant. This point has remained constant, even though emphases
in the church have changed over time, also bringing change to the endowment ceremony itself