David Rich Lewis

David Rich Lewis, assis￾tant professor of history, Utah State Uni￾versity, Logan, Utah.

Clawson and the Mormon Experience | David S. Hoopes and Ray Hoopes, The Making of a Mormon Apostle: The Story of Rudger Clawson

Articles/Essays – Volume 24, No. 3

In 1879 a young Mormon missionary named Rudger Clawson watched as an anti-Mormon mob in Georgia killed his companion. Through bluff and bravado Clawson survived the assault and brought his companion’s body back to church…

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Place and Identity in the Southwest | Robert S. McPherson, Sacred Land, Sacred View: Navajo Perceptions of the Four Corners Region

Articles/Essays – Volume 25, No. 4

Change is an inevitable though variable process in human societies and natural environments. Each generation perceives changes in their cultural universe, laments what is being lost, and wonders what will persist. They leave behind various…

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