Douglas L. Talley

Doug Talley {[email protected]} received a BFA in creative writing from Bowling Green State University and a JD from the University of Akron. Early in his career he practiced law with a firm in Akron, Ohio, and presently works as an executive in a small consulting company. His poems and essays have appeared in various literary journals, including The American Scholar, Christianity and Literature, and Irreantum. In 2009, his work was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. His poetry collection, Adam’s Dream, appeared in 2011 (Woodsboro, Md.: Parables Publishing). He and his wife, April, live in Copley, Ohio, where they both continue to write and raise their family.

Finding Place

Articles/Essays – Volume 45, No. 2

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Review: When Good is Better than Great: Susan Elizabeth Howe’s Salt Susan Elizabeth Howe. Salt: Poems

Articles/Essays – Volume 47, No. 4

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Viewing Kershisnik’s Nativity

Articles/Essays – Volume 48, No. 3

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One Glory of the Moon

Articles/Essays – Volume 48, No. 3

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What the Call of the Deep Teaches

Articles/Essays – Volume 48, No. 3

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By the Mouth of Two or Three

Articles/Essays – Volume 48, No. 3

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