Edward L. Hart
EDWARD L. HART, retired BYU professor of English, has written seven books, including a book of poems called To Utah, and numerous articles, essays, and poems, one of which, "Our Savior's Love," is in the new LDS hymn book. He is listed in Who's Who in America. He married Eleanor Coleman in 1944, and they raised four children. She died 24 December 1990.
The Relevance of Literature: A Mormon Viewpoint
Articles/Essays – Volume 05, No. 2
A short time ago, in Brigham Young University Studies, I published an article about Japanese and English poetry; I ended it with the statement that poetry in both languages carries the hallmark “Made on Earth…
Read moreWait Till the Wind Blows Toward Utah
Articles/Essays – Volume 13, No. 2
Wait till the wind blows toward Utah, said the General:
Too many Californians with too
much sense to let us
Drop it on them.
How come? asked the AEC man.
The Good Life
Articles/Essays – Volume 25, No. 1
Why do I strain for a freedom found outside,
Where worlds in time and space lie wide and full?
My room is closed and airless while the tide
Slaps up the pier and churns me in its pull.
And yet old times of weary venturing pall.
Reflections on a Bereavement
Articles/Essays – Volume 25, No. 1
My wife, Eleanor Coleman Hart, died on Christmas Eve, 24 December 1990, after an unfailingly resolute two-year struggle with systemic lupus. The forty-sixth anniversary of our wedding passed only a few days before her death.…
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