Eric Jay Olson

Eric Jay Olson, scripture re￾searcher, LDS Translation Division, Salt Lake City, Utah, Ph.D. candidate in Egyptology, University of Chicago, seventy; father of five children

A Hint of an Explanation: The Message of the Joseph Smith Papyri: an Egyptian Endowment by Hugh Nibley

Articles/Essays – Volume 09, No. 4

Dialogue 9.4 (Winter 1974): 74–75
Review of An Egyptian Endowment by Hugh Nibley, which discusses the papyri that Joseph Smith allegedly used to help translate the Book of Abraham. Hugh Nibley decided to state his case, but allow readers to form their own conclusions after reading it.

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The Extremes of Eclecticism: Abraham in Egypt by Hugh Nibley

Articles/Essays – Volume 15, No. 4

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