Erich Robert Paul
ERICH ROBERT PAUL is an associate professor of the history of science and of computer science at Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania. A specialist on the history of science since the Renaissance, he recently completed Science, Religion, and Mormon Cosmology (University of Illinois Press, forthcoming).
Natural Theology | Herbert Hovenkamp, Science and Religion in America, 1800–1860
Articles/Essays – Volume 12, No. 2
The birth of modern science in the seventeenth century fostered an intellectual climate which favored the growth of Natural Theology. Conditions were such during this period that scientific and religious views complemented and supported mutual intellectual…
Read moreScience: “Forever Tentative”?
Articles/Essays – Volume 24, No. 2
Although the exchange in Dialogue (Winter 1989) between Charles Boyd and David Bailey concerning the epistemological status of con temporary science was interesting and informative, in the final analysis it was lacking. To begin, Boyd…
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