Erika Munson
ERIKA MUNSON {[email protected]} holds a Fine Arts degree from Harvard College and is a Dean, English teacher, and librarian at Waterford School in Sandy, Utah. She is the co-founder of Mormons Building Bridges.
Eve’s Choice
Articles/Essays – Volume 56, No. 3
Dialogue 56.3 (Fall 2023): 133–150
But Betsy was born. She was dangerously premature—especially so for those days. Everyone said that at birth she could have fit on a dinner plate (an image that haunted my young imagination). She wasn’t expected to survive. But she did. Perfect, whole, healthy.
What Happened Sunday Morning
Articles/Essays – Volume 50, No. 2
When Danny DiLorenzo got up to speak I was thinking about how I could loosen my tie. My mother makes me wear one, and after an hour my body fights back. I stand in front…
Read moreDinner at Sylvia’s
Articles/Essays – Volume 25, No. 4
I was in a school bus with fifty other adults headed down to Harlem. At the time, we didn’t know our destination. The invitation had read only, “April Fool’s Day Party.” Our host, the former bishop, was known for his generosity and love of good times, so the turnout had been high. The mysteriousness of the affair, combined with the capacity of a yellow school bus to bring out the fifth grader in anyone, succeeded in creating a festive atmosphere. There we were, all dressed up in our sacrament meeting clothes, giggling, flirting, talking too loud.
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