Fiona Givens
FIONA GIVENS {[email protected]} is a retired modern language teacher with undergraduate degrees in French and German and an MA in European History. She is now an independent scholar who has published in several journals and reviews. Along with her husband, Terryl Givens, she is the author of The God who Weeps: How Mormonism Makes Sense of Life (Deseret, 2012), The Crucible of Doubt: Reflections on the Quest for Faith (Deseret, 2014), and The Christ Who Heals (Deseret, 2017).
“The Perfect Union of Man and Woman”: Reclamation and Collaboration in Joseph Smith’s Theology Making
Articles/Essays – Volume 49, No. 1
Dialogue 49.1 (Spring 2016): 1–26
Central to Joseph’s creative energies was a profound commitment to an ideal of cosmic as well as human collaboration. His personal mode of leadership increasingly shifted from autocratic to collaborative—and that mode infused both his most radical theologizing and his hopes for Church comity itself.