Francine Russell Bennion

FRANCINE RUSSELL BENNION is retired with her husband, Robert, in Provo, Utah. Her writing has included publications in the Ensign, Sunstone, Dialogue, the AMCAP Journal, and diverse essay collections, and in translation in The Netherlands and Japan. She presented this essay and a short videotape of Natasha at the Sunstone Symposium in August 2004 in Salt Lake City, in a session sponsored by Dialogue.

One Flawed View for Another: When Bad Things Happen to Good People by Rabbi Harold S. Kushner

Articles/Essays – Volume 16, No. 2

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The Intellectual in the Service of the Faith?: How and Where is Intellect Needed?

Articles/Essays – Volume 18, No. 1

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Religion and Natasha McDonald

Articles/Essays – Volume 38, No. 2

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