Frederick Mark Gedicks
FREDERICK MARK GEDICKS {[email protected]} holds the Guy Anderson Chair and is professor of law at the J. Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, where he teaches constitutional law, and law and religion. This article was first presented as a Forum Address on April 8, 2011, at Southern Virginia University, in Buena Vista, Virginia. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: I am grateful to my friend and frequent co-author Roger Hendrix, who contributed substantially to the development of the ideas presented in this address, and to SVU President Rodney K. Smith, who extended the invitation to address the student body. Stirling Adams, Andi Pitcher Davis, Marc Davis, James Faulconer, Nicea Gedicks, RonNell Anderson Jones, and James Rasband gave me useful comments and criticisms on earlier drafts. I also benefited from a discussion of an early draft with fellows and faculty of the International Center for Law and Religion Studies at BYU Law School. Finally, BYU Law School Research Librarians Galen Fletcher and Gary Hill provided invaluable help in locating statistical and other sources. Responsibility for the content, of course, is mine alone.