Gabriel Gonzalez N.

GABRIEL GONZÁLEZ N. {[email protected]} is a professor of translation and interpreting at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. He is the author of Estampas del Libro de Mormón. He has also published several short stories and a few poems in Spanish. Additionally, he has published reviews of academic books in a number of scholarly journals and reviews of literary works in the Association for Mormon Letters’s blog.

A Man Born When He is Old

Articles/Essays – Volume 57, No. 2

This took place back in the days when the city was small and its Jewish, dusty streets were trampled under the feet of the most magnificent, powerful empire on the face of the earth. This was the empire that soared like an eagle from the heated deserts of Arabia to the fathomless deep of the Mediterranean Sea to the valleys and mountains of the European continent. From there, from that Europe that did not worship Jehovah, the empire had struck Judea. Under Caesar’s ensign, it had pounced upon God’s people, advancing in swift chariots that carried men protected by breastplates and pagan arrogance. The empire had comfortably taken control of the sacred province, defiling it with Western traders, Greco-Roman tongues, voracious taxes, and imperial order.

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Review: Expertly Built: Stories within Stories Tim Wirkus. The Infinite Future

Articles/Essays – Volume 51, No. 2

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