Gerrit van Dyk
GERRIT VAN DYK {[email protected]} is an associate librarian of philosophy and Latter-day Saint history and doctrine at Brigham Young University. He earned an MA in English literature from BYU. His research and writing interests include devotional poetry, classics, philosophy of religion, and Latter-day Saint history, literature, and theology. Gerrit lives with his wife and five children nestled near the Wasatch Mountains
Articles/Essays – Volume 54, No. 4
Podcast version of this piece. My devotion never translates to my fingers.There is something lost.The scaly chaff of my heart opens my lungs.I pinch my pic like a quillwhat can I scrawl in the dusk?…
Read moreHymn to a Maple
Articles/Essays – Volume 54, No. 4
Podcast version of this piece. Your inverted slant is an acute notewest to east in the shaded sunrisesurrounded as you are by that moatof rocks and weeds, dry as a chalk line. One Goliath’s push…
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