Grant Boswell

GRANT BOSWELL graduated with a Ph.D. in rhetoric, linguistics, and liter￾ature from the University of Southern California in 1985. He is now an associate professor of English at BYU. His research interests include the history and theory of rhetoric, postmodernism, and Renaissance rhetoric, education, and humanism. This paper was delivered at the an￾nual meeting of the Association for Mormon Letters, January 14, 1995, Westminster College, Salt Lake City.

“Easy to be Entreated”: Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent and Christian Communication

Articles/Essays – Volume 32, No. 3

I first encountered Wayne Booth’s Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent[1] when I started my Ph.D. program 1979. One of my best friends from graduate school told me that he owned the book when…

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