Harlow Soderborg Clark
HARLOW SODERBORG CLARK {[email protected]} lives with his wife, Donna, and son, Matthew, in Pleasant Grove, Utah, where he reports on the Cedar Hills City Council meetings for the Timpanogos Times. Twenty years ago, he presented his first paper at the Association for Mormon Letters annual meeting. “Easter Sermons” is part of a larger work-in-progress, Sacrament Meeting in the Alzheimer’s Ward, which includes a character who writes poems from people’s sacrament meeting talks. He thanks Leslie Norris for ideas about simplicity that allowed him to recognize this poem when he heard it.
To Joseph of Nazareth: Patron Saint of Fathers Dispossessed
Articles/Essays – Volume 27, No. 1
Joseph, I too have known that sad angelic word
Which renders a father not-father.
Your children