Henri Gooren
HENRI GOOREN {[email protected]}is associate professor of cultural anthropology at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan, and was the 2011–13 president of the Mormon Social Science Association (see www.mormonsocialscience.org). He specializes in religion in Latin America and is the author of three previous articles in Dialogue on Mormons in Latin America. His current research is sponsored by the Pentecostal-Charismatic Research Initiative of the John Templeton Foundation and focuses on the Pentecostalization of religion and society in Paraguay and Chile. His faculty webpage can be found at www.oakland.edu/ socan/faculty/gooren.
Leadership, Retention, and US Culture in the LDS Church in Latin America and Europe
Articles/Essays – Volume 57, No. 2
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a global church based in the United States. The cultural context of the Church as a top-down, global entity with centralized leadership necessarily interacts with local…
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Latter-day Saints under Siege: The Unique Experience of Nicaraguan Mormons
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Comparing Mormon and Adventist Growth Patterns in Latin America: The Chilean Case
Articles/Essays – Volume 46, No. 3