Holly Welker
HOLLY WELKER {[email protected]} is the editor of Baring Witness: 36 Mormon Women Talk Candidly about Love, Sex, and Marriage (2016) and co-editor of Singing and Dancing to The Book of Mormon: Critical Essays on the Broadway Musical (2016). Her poetry and prose have appeared in such publications as Best American Essays, Bitch, the Iowa Review, and the New York Times.
Beautiful Naked Women
Articles/Essays – Volume 27, No. 2
Beautiful naked women turn up all over,
in California they hide behind redwoods,
in Paris they picnic on the grass.
My doctor sends me a postcard of a plump nude
Articles/Essays – Volume 23, No. 2
Sitting naked by the pool I can see
many more trees than the two very tall
ones visible from my kitchen window
as shadows in the early morning. If
I Can Wait For
Articles/Essays – Volume 23, No. 3
I purposely forget what you look like
so each time I see you I am surprised
again by your beauty. Your name is the
charm I offer nervous cats instead of
Articles/Essays – Volume 24, No. 1
I confess I have invented a word
for the thing I am and the thing I have done.
It is a pleasant word and may be spoken
to young children or written in their books.
Nickel Girls
Articles/Essays – Volume 25, No. 1
Sometimes boys would stand
on the high school stairs
and throw nickels at girls
in low-cut blouses, hoping
Variation on a Love Letter
Articles/Essays – Volume 25, No. 4
I have written this letter to you before
and I will write this letter to you again.
In it I tell you that the days are starkly blue
and unbearably warm, that the cooling storms
Articles/Essays – Volume 26, No. 2
I debated hours, whether to send you a kiss
by the river or the overabundant lips
of a Rosetti madonna. You get both: See
the pansies the madonna holds? That’s how I know
A Body That Expands
Articles/Essays – Volume 26, No. 2
My sister sings Puccini in the shower.
A fever ripped the muscle of her heart
when she was five but now she is almost
twenty-one and lovely. She leaves music
Articles/Essays – Volume 26, No. 2
Marlon Brando’s such a babe in Guys and Dolls,
it’s an ideal, makes you feel
positively reverent, same as orange blossoms,
the way they delicately ask to seduce
The Invisible Woman
Articles/Essays – Volume 27, No. 2
The invisible woman is angry.
Boy is she mad.
She took her books to the library last night
and last night she burned the library down.
Ghost Month
Articles/Essays – Volume 28, No. 2
In China, in August, ghosts are released
from hell for a month of fun. Late July
behind the gates, ghosts start queuing up,
raising their hands and swearing to the guards
Because Last Night Was Friday Night
Articles/Essays – Volume 28, No. 2
Because last night was Friday night
I had to search to find a quiet place
and when I found it I wanted to leave it
though I wasn’t even working off a mean gin drunk.
What You Walk Away From
Articles/Essays – Volume 30, No. 1
Jesus said, “An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign.” In fact, that statement shows up in the New Testament three times: in Mat thew 12:39, in Matthew 16:4, and again in Luke 11:29.…
Read moreIndian Summer
Articles/Essays – Volume 33, No. 3
If, when September rolls over in the gutter,
picks himself up and stumbles off
in search of a restroom, coffee and eggs,
you pull back the drapes and slide open the window,
he will disregard the screen and make himself your guest.
Commonplace Nightmares
Articles/Essays – Volume 33, No. 4
Most likely it was an act of God that
the cathedral caught fire even before
the hangman put the mask on my head
and all my executioners ran in search of water
Articles/Essays – Volume 34, No. 3
I began to dream I
was soil and you
were a plant that grew
in me, root hard
Junior Companion
Articles/Essays – Volume 36, No. 3
Mormon missionaries in Taiwan weren’t hard to spot, not only because of those white shirts and name tags. First of all, they were usually of European descent, and those white faces became luridly conspicuous among…
Read moreThe Meadow
Articles/Essays – Volume 37, No. 4
My family and I drove hours one Sunday to see
a meadow in the mountains of Arizona. We stood
behind a split-rail fence. “It’s beautiful,”
my dad said. “It’s for sale. If we had money
we’d buy it.” And we climbed the fence
and wandered that acre of wildflowers and ferns,
ate fried chicken and picked up our litter,
and went home.
A Price Far above Rubies versus Eight Cows: What’s a Virtuous Woman Worth?
Articles/Essays – Volume 43, No. 1
The Plan of Stagnation: A Review of Elna Baker, The New York Regional Mormon Singles Halloween Dance
Articles/Essays – Volume 43, No. 4