James M. McLachlan
JAMES M. MCLACHLAN is an associate professor and chairs the philosophy and religion department at Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, North Carolina. He is the author of The Desire to Be God: Freedom and the Other in Sartre and Berdyaev and is working on a book on William H. Chamberlin's theology. He would appreciate any information readers might have on Chamberlin.
W.H. Chamberlin and the Quest for a Mormon Theology
Articles/Essays – Volume 29, No. 4
[1]It is time to resurrect W. H. Chamberlin. Chamberlin lived the life of an intellectual and spiritual pilgrim. With little money he filled a mission to the Society Islands and later served as mission president…
Read moreA Landmark in Mormon Thought | Blake T. Ostler, Exploring Mormon Thought, Volume 1: The Attitudes of God
Articles/Essays – Volume 36, No. 1
It is difficult to make comparisons between previous works in LDS philosophy and theology and Blake Ostler’s Exploring Mormon Thought: The Attributes of God. This is the first volume in a projected trilogy that will include…
Read moreBook Review: Pre-Mortal Existence and the Problem of Suffering: Terryl Givens and the Heterodox Traditions Terryl L. Givens. When Souls Had Wings: Pre-Mortal Existence in Western Thought
Articles/Essays – Volume 47, No. 3