Janice M. Allred

JANICE ALLRED has been pondering, studying, speaking about, and writ￾ing on theological questions for over 25 years. She has published in Dia￾logue and Sunstone and is the author of God the Mother and Other Theolog￾ical Essays (Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1997). She is co-editor with Lavina Fielding Anderson of the Case Reports of the Mormon Alliance. The mother of nine children and the grandmother of seven, she lives in Provo, Utah.

Toward a Mormon Theology of God the Mother

Articles/Essays – Volume 27, No. 2

Dialogue 27.2 (Summer 1994): 15–40
It would seem that Mormons who have believed for over a hundred years in the real existence of the Goddess, the Mother in Heaven, should be far ahead of other Christians in developing a theology of God the Mother. However, our belief in her as a real person puts us at a disadvantage. If the Goddess is merely a symbol of deity, as the male God is also a symbol, then certainly God can be pictured as either male or female with equal validity.

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Freedom and Grace: Rethinking Theocracy

Articles/Essays – Volume 28, No. 2

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Does Justice Rob Mercy? Retribution, Punishment, and Loving our Enemies

Articles/Essays – Volume 36, No. 3

I have always loved the parables and teachings of Jesus about forgive ness and mercy, and I have pondered their meaning for many years. We could say that in these parables, parables such as the…

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